
The globally active machine and plant manufacturer Marel has used simus systems software to automatically create work schedules and calculate manufacturing costs for around 1.5 million development components. Transparent costs at 16 production sites worldwide, knowledge capital that can be called up at any time and considerable efficiency gains are the results of a four-year project. Read more


Marel, globally active developer and manufacturer of machines, systems and complete solutions for the fish, meat and poultry processing industry, is introducing the simus classmate software suite for automatic calculation and work plan generation. Since January 2021, the Boxmeer and Dongen (Netherlands) production sites are already successfully using the solution. In the first half of 2021 also Gainesville in Georgia (USA) and Gardabaer in Iceland are expected to go live.

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Theegarten-Pactec in Dresden develops and manufactures packaging systems that can be configured individually. The introduction of simus classmate has been in progress since January 2019. Production Planning, Purchasing and Workflow Management of the mechanical engineering company should improve noticeably with the data management software.

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The Kiefel GmbH partially automated their procurement process – and got support for the job from the data management specialist simus systems. The company now benefits from automatic cost calculation with the help of the simus classmate application as well as automatic vendor assignment.

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KSB Produktspektrum

For over ten years, KSB AG, one of the world’s leading manufacturers in the pumps and valves market, optimizes its master data in the ERP system by SAP with the support and the software of simus systems in Karlsruhe. Worldwide processes were accelerated, the IT system landscape was harmonized, a consistent level of knowledge established, platforms for product development created and global cooperation was improved with new processes.

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Oce Drucklösung

As one of nine innovation centers worldwide, the Océ Printing Systems GmbH & Co. KG in Poing near Munich, Germany, develops, produces and markets digital high performance printing systems with related workflow and software solutions. With the support of simus systems and their calculation tool classmate PLAN, the global market leader in the field of […]

Zeppelin Systems GmbH: Geordnete Datensilos als Grundlage für SAP-Einführung

Zeppelin Systems GmbH, Friedrichshafen, Germany, the industrial branch of Zeppelin, migrated their master data to a new ERP system by SAP with the help of simus systems and their software solution classmate DATA.  Read more


HEKUMA counts on simus systems for the classification of its master data and work plan generation. The high performance automation company from Eching, Germany, puts their trust for classification of their master data and work plan generation in the professional support of the simus systems GmbH and their software solutions. Read more

Die Plastikflaschen-Füllanlage ErgoBloc L steht für Ressourcenschonung, Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit (Bild: KRONES)

Higher Quality for Millions of Master Data Records

The Krones Group, global market leader in packaging and bottling technology, uses simus systems GmbH expertise in classifications to improve the quality of their master data. A tailored classification, an automated data classification and a user-oriented search engine support plant manufacturers in reducing the complexity of the parts database and keep the creation of material masters to a minimum. The newly structured range of parts, which was relieved of duplicates, contributes to reducing administration costs company-wide.

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