Success Stories classmate FINDER / easyFINDER
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- Master Data Governance
- Best Practice Process for Creating Material Masters
- Cost Calculation During the Design Process
- Generating Production Routings Automatically
- Automatic Classification of CAD Models
- Geometrical Similarity Search for 3D Models
- Automated Text Generation
- Supplier Selection for Purchasing Technical Equipment
Success story – Supfina: Limiting overwhelming number of parts long-term
2021, classmate CAD, classmate FINDER/easyFINDER, Success StoryAs a provider of high tech solutions for automated manufacturing and superfinishing systems, Supfina noted an increase in the number of parts despite their variant management and building blocks for parts. A classification project in collaboration with simus systems GmbH from Karlsruhe, Germany, helped with data cleaning. Subsequently, the flood of product data was limited […]
Success Story – Windmöller & Hölscher: Tool for Value Management
2020, classmate CAD, classmate FINDER/easyFINDER, classmate PLAN, Success StoryWindmöller & Hölscher (W&H), a manufacturer of machines and production lines for flexible packaging operating worldwide, uses the simus classmate software as the basis for global Value Management. A transparent database and automated processes that already facilitate the assessments of costs in the concept phase, lead to a reduction in the diversity of parts and […]
Success Story Putsch: Structure of an Automatic Classification
2017, classmate DATA, classmate FINDER/easyFINDER, Success StoryAs an international network of technology businesses, Putsch GmbH & Co. KG with its headquarters in Hagen, Germany, was facing a new generation of information technology. The company for machinery and equipment with a focus on the sugar industry used the opportunity of switching systems from PPS and PDM to improve their master data. The […]
Success Story KSB AG: Optimizing Master Data as the Basis for Globalization
2016, classmate DATA, classmate FINDER/easyFINDER, Press, Success StoryFor over ten years, KSB AG, one of the world’s leading manufacturers in the pumps and valves market, optimizes its master data in the ERP system by SAP with the support and the software of simus systems in Karlsruhe. Worldwide processes were accelerated, the IT system landscape was harmonized, a consistent level of knowledge established, […]
Success Story HEKUMA: Well-Organized and Well-Calculated with simus systems
2014, classmate CAD, classmate FINDER/easyFINDER, classmate PLAN, Press, Success StoryHEKUMA counts on simus systems for the classification of its master data and work plan generation. The high performance automation company from Eching, Germany, puts their trust for classification of their master data and work plan generation in the professional support of the simus systems GmbH and their software solutions.
Success Story Krones Group: Automatic Data Classification
2011, classmate CAD, classmate DATA, classmate FINDER/easyFINDER, Press, Success StoryHigher Quality for Millions of Master Data Records The Krones Group, global market leader in packaging and bottling technology, uses simus systems GmbH expertise in classifications to improve the quality of their master data. A tailored classification, an automated data classification and a user-oriented search engine support plant manufacturers in reducing the complexity of the […]